Friday, July 22, 2005

Harry's giving me a massage

...While I listen to Test Match commentary on BBC internet,half an hour to catch up on the blog.The Summer has heated up,hovering around 40degrees C,so Eliav has gone off with friends to the Kinneret,where it's even hotter.Gilad is home with various female friends,and we are graced with friends Rena and Harry [and Sarah,their daughter] from Naharia,guests for Shabbat.
Yesterday I drove to Tel Hai for an Open Day for prospective students:it was most gratifying to hear from a few people the esteem in which our Pottery School is held.Discussed plans with Oded,our wonderful boss,to keep it that way.I think I shall get the students next year to start a collective blog,a record of their year/semester in Tel Hai.We may also rebuild the Soda kiln,which has been neglected for the last couple of years.There was even talk of a plaster class.
Last night Goldie [the apprentice] organised a sitar/tabla concert in a nearby gallery- very atmospheric,and well-attended.Today,in the almost total absence of tourists,I made 50-odd napkin rings for a local caterer- tricky little things to get just right,which you have to do in about a minute.
Have a good,peaceful Shabbat!


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